March 24, 2025

Publishing Policy


1- No Nude Photos or Pornography. Models/ Vixens/ Dancers must be fully clothed. Ads must not contain adult content. This includes nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.

2- No Swimsuit or Lingerie Photos

3- No Sexual Explicit Behavior, Gestures or A** Shot poses/ photos. We reserved the right to decline any sex based on their character and public agenda.

4- No Public Racist or Racial Activity Agenda

6- No Gang, Beef or Gun Violent Agendas

7- No Known Scam Artist/ Ponzi Schemes

8- No Devil Worshiping Type Behavior

9- We don’t participate in any kind of partner-linking system.

10- No Recreational Drug Use of any kind that can cause habit-forming or addictions.

11- We respect the rights of authors, designers, photographers and developers. We would never publish links to illegal sources that reproduce the work of others or that violate author rights if we are able to detect illegal sources or copyright infringement through a reasonable effort by double-checking material to be published.

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