If I Walk By Myself, At Least I Know I’m With Somebody I Trust
CEO | Recording Artist
If I walk by myself, at least I know I’m with somebody I trust
We got a chance to check in with rising artist Dumm Munee from Galveston, Texas about his upcoming projects, here’s his one on one exclusive….
SM- What’s going on my friend, tell us about what you’re currently promoting?
I have a mixtape releasing on September 2nd entitled “Side Hustles Vol 1.” It took a while for me to finally release something because I felt that I wasn’t good enough. My children asked me to put something out and I felt like if they believed in me that much, I couldn’t be all that bad.
SM- What values are important to you when you think about the kind of brand you want to build?
Being honorable and loyal to those who go to bat for you the way you do for them. While always being true to yourself. Loyalty and motivation starts with self.
SM- Who was a part of this project that contributed to its success?
The ones who tried to take my dream from me. Without them I would’ve never had the fuel or the stories to tell.
SM- What is the inspiration behind what you do?
My kids, I had given music up because of all the constant failures from trying to pursue a childhood dream. After them playing my music over and over I decided to go at it again but this time I put my trust in myself.
SM- What are some other things people can expect from you in the near future?
More music, better content, and a statement of unity!
SM- Why is this so valuable to you? And why now?
Trusting the wrong people, I’ve always had an issue of being too trusting because I had a big heart. Then I realized that my issues weren’t stemming from trusting. I was being loyal to the wrong people and expecting the same in return.
SM- What is one final thought that you want to leave our readers with?
I leave this for the youth, whatever you focus on you can accomplish. I should’ve done this years ago, but my head space wasn’t right.
For more information on Dumm Munee visit
https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100070014432960 , https://instagram.com/dolladummie?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
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