March 24, 2025

Code of Ethics


Business-to-business editors have earned the highest level of trust among their readers. Many surveys have shown that executives and managers believe business-to-business publications provide the most accurate and credible information available. That trust is both a high compliment and a challenge for those who plan, write and edit publications. It sets a high standard they must maintain. Stardom Media Advanced Group has always held its editors to such high standards.

General editorial code of ethics for publishing:

Editors, reporters and writers employed by Stardom Media publications adhere
to the highest standards of journalistic practice. In doing so, they pledge to:

a. Maintain honesty, integrity, accuracy, thoroughness and fairness in the
reporting and editing of articles, headlines, and graphics.
b. Avoid all conflicts of interest as well as any appearances of such conflicts.
c. Maintain an appropriate professional distance from the direct preparation of
special advertising sections or other advertisements.
d. Show the distinction between news stories and editorials, columns and other
opinion pieces.
e. Accept as their primary responsibility the selection of editorial content based on
readers’ needs and interests.

Customer behavior code of ethics:

Stardom Media Advanced Group has full discretion to offer services to customers at any time or conversation. Any unacceptable behavior from a customer towards any staff members is not tolerated, that includes disrespect, violence, sexual advances or threatening written, verbal or visual words displayed.

Editorial Code of Ethics for Electronic Media:

Credibility is the key to the success of digital media offerings, just as it is for print
publications; users must trust the advice and information presented. In order to build and
maintain that trust, the distinction between independent editorial content and paid
promotional information must remain clear. Stardom Media Advanced Group believes it is
possible to keep that clear distinction while still taking advantage of linking and other
technologies that make digital media the unique and robust experience it has come to be
for the user.

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