Alexiou Gibson, the 30-year-old CEO and founder of The Transformation Factory, has landed a $600,000 deal on Shark Tank. He also made history by being the first entrepreneur in the show’s history to ever pitch a sea moss brand that features a unique line of vegan health supplements available in different exciting flavors.
Nearly 10 years ago, Gibson weighed 500 pounds and was told by his doctor that he wouldn’t live to see 30 if he wouldn’t take his health seriously. So he started eating healthy, exercising, as well as researching more ways to support his weight loss. That’s when he rediscovered sea moss from the cultural food he enjoyed while growing up in the Bahamas.
“Sea moss was always a staple in my culture,” Gibson told the Palm Beach Post. “It heals and builds the immune system.”
Ever since he incorporated sea moss into his diet, he lost more than half of his weight. He also mixed sea moss with her grandmother’s coffee to help her regain her strength. On social media, he shared photos of her drinking the product and it sparked the interest of many.
Gibson eventually began selling the Sea Moss Gels to his friends and colleagues. Soon enough, the business grew and it now comes in various fruit flavors such as pineapple, mango, and strawberry banana, among others.
Most recently, Gibson appeared on Shark Tank, becoming the first to present a sea moss product in the show’s history. He took a $600,000 investment deal offered by Mark Cuban and Kevin Hart in exchange for equity in his company. He said the funds would go to a larger warehouse and mass-production robotics, as well as projects about health awareness and global expansion.
Moreover, when the Shark Tank finale episode that featured Gibson aired, Sea Moss Gels generated more than half a million dollars in sales in just 24 hours, which is about a month’s worth of sales prior to it. It was a great feat for Gibson who had to wait for almost 8 months for his episode to be aired. He almost lost hope it would still air but it even turned out he was the only contestant to secure a deal on the episode.
For more information visit Gibson’s official website, visit SeaMossTransformation.com
News Source: BlackBusinesscom Written Credits to: BlackBusinesscom
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